
Hausdorf, M. (2024) What you get is what you see. The mutual relationships between images of human nature and business model innovation. (Full Text)

Hausdorf, M. & Timm, J.-M. (2023) The Mycorrhiza Approach: What entrepreneurial and sustainable organisations can learn from nature to build resilient networks. A proposition. Transforming Entrepreneurship Education: Interdisciplinary Insights on Innovative Methods and Formats. (Abstract)

Hausdorf, M. & Timm, J.-M. (accepted for publication) Sufficiency as a core building block of community-supported business models. (Abstract)

Hausdorf, M. & Timm, J.-M. (submitted) Innovative business models for societal transformations: Towards a definition and typology of community-supported business models. (Abstract)

Hausdorf, M. (2023) Towards a Post-Anthropocentric Stakeholder Theory For Sustainable Business Model Research Integrating Non-Human Animals. Conference: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models. (Abstract)

Hausdorf, M. & Timm, J.-M. (2022) Business research for sustainable development: How does sustainable business model research reflect doughnut economics? Business Strategy and the Environment. (Full Text)

Hausdorf, M. & Timm, J.-M. (2022) Linking doughnut economics and sustainable business model research. Conference: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Business Models: Sustainable Business Model Challenges: Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation, LUMSA University.

Hausdorf, M. & Timm, J.-M. (2022) Community-supported business models. Conference: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Business Models: Sustainable Business Model Challenges: Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation, LUMSA University.


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